Blog Description

How do you convey strength when the tears don't stop running down your face? My daughter's fall into the deep hole of depression and eventual admittance to a psych ward. Our journey,our hope-to share and learn the whys,whats and the ways of mental illness. Specifically the downward drain of depression that can happen to any of us. #StopTheStigma

Monday, July 8, 2013

Too good to be True.

Cristyl was a good girl. She was a happy baby; I called her my "Summer Child"  because she was always full of energy and sunny in disposition.  She was popular, pretty, captain of the dance team,a high school cheerleader, a good student who was loved by her teachers. Unfortunately she didn't love herself.

Despite all outward signs, my daughter was a very scared little girl who was always seeking approval-never wanting to be judged as anything less than perfect. So she internalized and assumed, never showed her true feelings or went against authority.  Confrontation wasn't for her.

It makes total sense that her mind would prefer to go into oblivion, catatonic, instead of her asking for help directly.  Looking back, I wish now that she would have been more demanding of others, more vocal in her needs/wants.  In her present state even an insult would be deemed a blessing.

On June 28 I received a call saying my daughter had been admitted to a hospital; she was completely incomprehensible and void of sane mind, drifting between catatonia and psychotic.  And here the journey for truth, healing and acceptance began.


  1. My sister suffers from depression, it is really scary cause the thoughts that enter their heads can be really dangerous, she went to a psychiatric ward as well and now she is on meds. Lots of prayer, comfort and love, that's all that we can do my bella amiga.

  2. Sending you and your daughter thoughts and prayers for health and stability. The greatest difficulty is discerning between a case of the "Blues" and something more serious. Thank you for bringing awareness to an issue that shouldn't be taboo.

  3. waooo this is so sad, thanks for sharing.. my prayers to your family

  4. Amiga, you know that I am thinking of you and of your daughter and sending your family all my love and positive energy. My wishes for her are that she finds healing and happiness and for you that you find the strength you need. My mom has always suffered from depression drifting in and out of it all her life but never really wanting to get help. Your daughter is getting the help she needs and she has you, she will win this battle! You know you can count on me if you need help!

  5. I can only imagine the nightmare you are living. I really wish to have the words to make you feel better but I only can say Thank you. Thank you for open up your heart and share such a 'taboo' subject.

    My prayers are with you and your summer child.

    Un abrazo!

  6. Depression can be conquer! Our prayers is with you and your daughter!

  7. God Bless... Mis oraciones por tu familia!

  8. Fe y confianza que todo saldra bien, mucha energía positiva, un abrazo !

  9. Sonia: I grew up with a person very close to me that suffered depression, anxiety, I understand you completely. I learned to give the person space and understand that all of us have a sense of depression and sometimes we don't understand it because it doesn't make any sense. But it doesn't have to make sense because the person is not functioning well. Be there, listen and in a love and tender a way, make her understand the right way to see things because they are not thinking clearly, but at the same time her minds tells her that that's the correct way to think. It is not easy.

    Sometimes they need medication, and that's OK...if you suffer from cancer, you will seek a treatment, right? Is the same here. When she feels better, she needs to find ways to focus her mind and do things that "encarrilen sus pensamientos en la manera correcta". Maybe reading, doing exercises, working, having fun with her family and not been so hard on her.

    Confia que todo le va a ir bien y tiene que poner de su parte para saber qué está pensando, que no es cierto, etc. Hay gente que escribe los pensamientos negativos que tiene en su mente cuando se sienten mal, para poder identifarlos como erroneos cuando se siente bien. Tiene que identificarlos y entender que son erroneos y que no puede dejarse dominar por ellos. Muchos cariños.

  10. Sorry to hear that! Espero que encuentre la paz y la tranquilidad que necesita. Estaré orando mucho por ella. Un abrazo!

  11. thank you for sharing Cristyl's story. I have her and your family in my thoughts and prayers.

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